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Using our own high access equipment
reduces the need of scaffolding in 98% of our repairs
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National Federation of Roofing Contractors
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Fall Protection and Edge Protection Bromsgrove, Worcestershire
Fall Protection and Edge Protection - Guardrail Edge Protection Systems Bromsgrove
Whether it's a free standing, weighted guard railing, or a mechanically fixed system, guard rails Bromsgrove Roofing offer edge protection to both pitched and flat roofs in Bromsgrove.

Guardrail Edge Protection Systems

Guard rails enable safe access to roof structures, whether it be for maintenance, plant installation or inspection. Unlike with roof line and anchor systems, specialist harness and man-safe line training is not required to gain access to a guard rail protected roof.

One of the major costs associated with roof maintenance is scaffolding, with a permanent guard rail system installed, there is no need for full scaffolding for future roof works. This amounts to a major saving in the long run. A guard rail system allows a workforce without specialist training access to the roof, further facilitating cost savings.